57 mm S-5KO Unguided Aircraft Rocket with Anti-tank
High-Explosive Fragmentation Warhead (HEAT/HEFRAG)

Caliber, (mm): 57
Launcher Pods type: UB-16 and UB-32
Warhead type: Anti-tank and anti-manpower (personnel) HEAT/HEFRAG
Length of rocket with fuze, (mm): 995 ÷ 1 006
Weight or rocket with fuze, (kg): 4.5
Weight of warhead, (kg): 1.36
Bursting charge type: GEKFOL-5
Propellant charge type: RSI-60
Weight of propellant charge, (kg): 1.13
Stabilizer span, (mm): 232
Armour penetration, (mm): 172
Number of fragments, (pcs): Approximately 220
Average muzzle velocity, (m/s) 586
Electric resistance of igniter circuit, (Ω): 1.25 ÷ 2.25
Minimum firing current (ensuring igniter’s reliable operation), (А): 0.8
Maximum allowable current for checking igniter’s electric circuit, (А): no more than 0.050
Fuze type (PD, SQ, mechanical, safety with distant arming): V-5K (or substitute)
Distant arming, ( m ): ≥ 110
Operational temperature range, ( °C): from minus 50 to + 60
Shelf life (if stored in standard packing of the producer in storehouse conditions), years: 20

8 (eight) rockets in a wooden case for transportation: 8 (eight) rockets in a wooden case
Totally: 8 (eight) rockets in 1 (one) wooden box

Wooden case dimensions:
Overall, (mm): 1 140 x 368 x 251
Gross weight, (kg): 53
Case volume, (m3): 0.105
Class of explosion hazard: UN 0180, 1.1F

Note: The manufacturer can change the packing